Fact or Fiction: Author Series presents Joe Johnston


In the late nineteenth century, West was wild all the way back to the Mississippi River. Only a day’s walk from the progressive big city of St. Louis, rural Jefferson County citizens were struggling with an outbreak of thefts, arson, and more. Mack Marsden, successful livestock trader and family man, was accused of being involved. After Mack was shot and killed, there remained lingering doubts. Was he a criminal, or was he wrongly accused?

Author Joe Johnston tells the fascinating story he uncovered while researching The Mack Marsden Murder Mystery. Of course, he inserts one fiction into this unbelievable but true story.

The following images are courtesy of Joe Johnston.

Covered Bridge
Covered Bridge over Sandy Creek
A side view of the Sandy Creek covered bridge
A side view of the Sandy Creek covered bridge
Image of a fine boned man with a neat mustache
Mack Marsden
Black and White of a man with a large mustache
Sheriff Weaver
An older man with a beard and his wife
Richard and Elizabeth Marsden
R. W. McMullin, the editor and publisher of the Democrat
black and white drawing of a two story brick building
Drawing of the Hillsboro jail


Cover of The Mack Marsden Murder Mystery by Joe Johnston
Click on the title to purchase The Mack Marsden Murder Mystery.
Image of Joe Johnston speaking at a lectern
Author Joe Johnston

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