Amos J. Snell, a wealthy real estate owner in Chicago, was murdered in his home in 1888. The identity of the murderer remains unknown to this day. Listen to learn what we do know about Amos J. Snell, his murder, and the aftershocks of his death that affected his family for generations. Is it Fact or Fiction? You be the judge!
This is a picture of a Chicago area plank road.
Amos J. Snell
James Gillan, the man who confessed to being one of the robbers in the Snell mansion the day Amos Snell was murdered. “Confesses Snell Murder.” The Inter Ocean, 4 December, 1910, p. 29.
This is a drawing of Alfred Stone, Mary Snell’s husband. “Fine Lads to March.” The Inter Ocean, 27 August 1894, p. 7.
“Copy of the Reward.” The Daily American, 6 December 1888, p. 1.
“Mrs. Alice Snell M’Crea Green.” Chicago Tribune, 12 November 1898, p. 8.
Delta Do Molle. “Is the Wages of Sin.” Fredericksburg News, 15 December 1898, p. 4.
- “$550,000 Ruling Recalls Murder of 50 Years Ago.” Chicago Tribune, 12 March 1937, p. 13.
- “A New Theatrial Star.” Chicago Tribune, 3 August 1889, p. 2.
- “Coffin Snell Wedding.” The Inter Ocean, 11 June 1881, p. 9.
- “Confesses Snell Murder.” The Inter Ocean, 4 December, 1910, p. 29.
- “Copy of the Reward.” The Daily American, 6 December 1888, p. 1.
- Delta Do Molle. “Is the Wages of Sin.” Fredericksburg News, 15 December 1898, p. 4.
- “Did He See Tascott?” The Saint Paul Globe, 23 February 1888, p. 2.
- “Fine Lads to March.” The Inter Ocean, 27 August 1894, p. 7.
- “Five Divorce Suits Filed.” Los Angeles Herald, 10 June 1908, p. 6.
- “Forced to the Wall.” The Inter Ocean, 5 February 1894, p. 5.
- “Gets New Hold on Her Old Name.” The Spokesman-Review, 3 September 1909, p. 10.
- “Greenberg Yields to E. E. Stone and a Rifle.” The Inter Ocean, 21 October, 1903, p. 3.
- “Hard at Work.” The Inter Ocean, 22 February 1888, p. 6.
- “Heiress at 71 Victor in Snell Estate Battle.” Chicago Tribune, 12 June 1937, p. 22.
- “Hunted down at Last,” Chicago Herald, August 21, 1891.
- “Los Angeles Woman Files Her Seventh Divorce Case.” Los Angeles Herald, 10 June 1908, p. 1.
- “May Get Fortune.” Kenosha Evening News, 31 July 1906, p. 1.
- “Mrs. Alice Snell M’Crea Green.” Chicago Tribune, 12 November 1898, p. 8.
- “Mrs. Grace Snell Love Re-Files Divorce Suit.” Los Angeles Express. 9 June 1908, p. 4.
- “Mrs. Snell M’Crea.” Minneapolis Commercial, 26 March 1890, p. 6.
- “Much Married Mrs. Love Loses Estate Fight.” Chicago Tribune, 18 Feburary 1938, p. 3.
- “New Woe.” The Courier-Journal,14 August 1901, p. 3.
- “Not Snell’s Child.” The Inter Ocean, 12 January 1910, p. 3.
- “Recalls Loves of Gay ‘90s in Estate Battle.” Chicago Tribune. 29 May 1937, p. 1.
- “Benjamin Sabine, Jeremiah and John Gordon, Dennis Smith and George Davis.” Chicago Tribune, 28 March 1867, p. 3.
- “Samuel J. Bruesh Filed a Bill.” Chicago Tribune, 18 November 1886, p. 9.
- “Says Mrs. Snell Was Threatened.” Chicago Tribune, 11 January 1901, p. 5.
- “Six Husbands, Five Divorces, Is Her Record.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 28 May 1906, p.3.
- “Snell’s Murderer.” The Evening World, 18 February 1888, p. 1.
- “Snell’s Murderer Writes a Letter.” Horton Daily Headlight. 28 May 1888, p. 1.
- “Stone-Snell. The Chicago Tribune, 18 November 1875, p. 8.
- “Suspected Stone of Snell Murder.” The Inter Ocean, 26 January 1901, p. 1.
- “The Jefferson Robbery.” Chicago Evening Post, 20 March 1867, p. 4.
- “Tascott Is Alive.” The Grand Island Daily Independent, 22 September 1891, p. 1.
- “Tascott Not a Murderer.” Blair Courier, 7 January 1893, p. 3.
- “W. B. Tascott Is the Man.” Chicago Tribune, 18 February 1888, p. 1.
- “Would Stand Trial.” The Wilkes-Barre Record, 22 September 1891, p. 2.